The Library is currently closed.  We're open again on Saturday (January 25, 2025) from 9:30 am to 5:15 pm

Digital Resources

Genealogy at your fingertips

Interested in your finding your ancestors and building your family tree? has millions of documents and images to discover, from immigration & military records, to birth, death & marriage certificates. Note: In-library access only.

Find your Ancestry
Niche Tutorial

BCCLS Library App

The Library on Your Phone

Download our mobile phone app so that you’re connected to the library anywhere you go! Search for any book in the library system and find the closest available copy, or place a hold. Stay signed into your account to manage your loans. Scan an ISBN barcode from any bookstore to find a free copy in the library. Access your library card barcode to easily check out books at the Circulation Desk or a Self-Check Kiosk. You can also access the library events calendar, online resources, and social media links.

Apple App Store
Google Play Store




BCCLS Libraries

Resources at Other Libraries

BCCLS Libraries have many special collections, events and resources available. Some are only available to people who live in those towns, but many are free to any one who visits the library in-person. Check with a library for full details on their availability of services.

BCCLS e-Resources
BCCLS World Language Collections
BCCLS Calendar of Events
BCCLS Special Equipment

Boundless (formerly Axis360)

Ebooks & Audiobooks

A great collection of ebooks & audiobooks, available right on your phone.

Apple App Store
Google Play Store
Niche Tutorial


Business Resource Center

Resources & News

Resources for small businesses and entrepreneurial start-ups in a variety of areas: funding, forming a company, taxes, managing employees & contractors and more. Contains articles, full-length NOLO books, start-up kits. Additionally, check out Regional Business News and Business Source Elite for scholarly and popular articles on all business topics.

Business Reference Center
Business Source Elite
Regional Business News

Comics Kingdom

Classic Comics via Hoopla

Get 7 days of unlimited access to classic digital funnies, like Zits, Blondie, Hagar the Horrible, Beetle Bailey & more. Navigate to the “BingePasses” section in Hoopla to check it out.



Consumer Reports

Product Reviews & Ratings

Get the latest, unbiased reviews & ratings on consumer products before you make your final decision. Print copies of the Consumer Reports magazines & Annual Buying Guide are available at the Information Desk as well. (On a related note, the monthly J.D. Power Used Car Guides are likewise kept at the Information Desk.)



Arts & Crafts classes

Dive into your creative side with hundreds of video lessons on all matters arts & crafts: sewing & quilting, jewelry, papercraft, ceramics, painting, baking and more. Make an account using the website first, then log into the app on a smart device.

Apple App Store   Google Play Store
Niche Tutorial

Curiosity Stream

Educational Shows

Curiosity Stream, available within the Hoopla app (look under More > Bingepasses), has tons of great documentaries and educational nonfiction series in categories like science, nature, history, technology, travel and more.

Get Started

EBSCO Academic Databases

Multi-Database Portal

Search one or all of our academic databases, provided by JerseyClicks, at once. Academic Search Premier contains thousands of full-text articles. If you’re in need of academic articles for a school paper, this is the place to look— you can also find various ebooks, like CliffNotes for Shakespeare. Resources are available for elementary level (Primary Search), middle-school (Middle Search Plus) and the high school level.

List of Databases
Academic Search Premier, ERIC, European Views of the Americas (1493-1750), GreenFILE (environmental research), Literary Reference Center, MasterFILE Elite, Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Regional Business News, Teacher Reference Center, Middle & Primary Search Reference eBook Collection, Points of View Reference Center, and more.
How do I search?
To search within all our academic databases for articles at once, click on the “Searching: Academic Search Premier”. Check “Select All” to checkmark all, or choose certain ones, and click “OK”. Now, search by keyword (or use the Advanced Search option).
How to Use the Mobile App
First, login to EBSCO using the “Start Researching” link below. Login using your Millburn Library card number, then find the “Login” and “Create Account” buttons. Create a new account with a username and password. Once you’ve done that, you can login on your EBSCO Mobile App with your new myEBSCO account.

Start Researching
Mobile App: Apple Download / Google Play
Niche Tutorial




Encyclopedia Britannica

School Work

The general knowledge encyclopedia for learners of all ages, this reference center covers most school subjects, including biographies, plus images & videos. Includes specific sections for Children & Young Learners.


Great Courses

Educational Lectures

Hundreds of courses and lectures, from subjects like History, Economics, and Science all the way to Hobbies, Food & Wine, and Professional Development. The Great Courses is offered through the Libby app, just click on Extras on the homepage and select “Great Courses”. You can also find the Great Courses through the Hoopla app, under the More > BingePasses tab, where you get 7-day access for a single borrow (of your 15 monthly).



Interactive Storytelling

Hellosaurus is a mobile app that puts kids ages 2 to 8 in their favorite shows, like The Wiggles and Love, Diana, through interactive storytelling and life skill-building. You can also find Hellosaurus through the Hoopla app, under the More > BingePasses tab, where you get 7-day access for a single borrow (of your 15 monthly). After “checking out” the 7-day pass on Hoopla, download the Hellosaurus app itself on your phone and use it there.


HelpNow (Brainfuse)

Live Online Tutoring

Get live tutoring help, in any grade K-12, even college, in any number of courses, in the form of a personal 1-on-1 virtual session with a tutor (generally available 2-11pm everyday). You can also submit essays to the Writing Lab for feedback, take dozens of practice tests for AP, PSAT, SAT & ACT, study flashcards and more.

Get Tutoring Now
Niche Tutorial

Heritage Quest

Genealogy at Home

Accessible in the Library or at home. From NJ State Library.

Find your Ancestry
Niche Tutorial


Books, Music, Shows

Hoopla has it all, right on your devices— eBooks, comics, audiobooks, movies & TV shows. Better yet, there’s no waiting or placing holds— everything is instantly available. Borrow up to 15 items per month with your Hoopla account, provided by your Millburn Library card.

New to Hoopla are its BingePasses, which for a single borrow let you have 7 days of access to features like The Great Courses, Curiosity Stream, and Hoopla Magazines (see the full list of included titles here). In addition there are a variety of kid-friendly apps like STEAM Powered Kids, Hellosaurus, The Reading Corner, and more. Find these under the More tab.

Apple App Store   Google Play Store
Niche Tutorial

Indie Flix

Indie Films

Indie short films, documentaries, and other features. Indie Flix is accessible within the Libby app: just select Extras from the homepage in Libby, then choose Indie Flix; or in the Hoopla BingePasses collection.

Libby Website
Apple App Store   Google Play Store





The Item

Digitized Local Newspaper

Researching local history? The Item of Millburn and Short Hills is fully digitized and available via the Library, with issues running all the way back from 1873 to 2009, plus issues of various other historical papers (current, paper issues are available in-library). The Archives also includes a search feature for research.

Visit Archives
Search All

JerseyClicks One Search

Multi-Database Portal

Search the countless publications and full-text articles provided by the State Library of New Jersey. Great for high school researchers.

JobNow (Brainfuse)

Live Online Tutoring

In addition to many resources for things like resume crafting, unemployment, and career assessments, get live help from coaches on anything from job searching, interviewing, and resume writing. Tools also include lessons & practice tests for Adult Learners, on citizenship, Microsoft Office skills, and more.

Get Started
Niche Tutorial



Movies, Documentaries + Kids Shows

Kanopy has movies, documentaries, TV series and more, with no waits at all. Each month you’ll receive 30 tickets to spend on content. Best of all, check out the Kanopy Kids collection for unlimited plays of kids movies & shows, animated storytimes, and other content like educational series. Click here to see how to get Kanopy streamed on a Smart TV.

Download (App Store)
Download (Google Play Store)
Niche Tutorial

Legal Information Reference Center

Guides & Legal Forms

Access to articles, full-length Nolo Guides, and hundreds of legal forms covering a wide range of topics: business, family & divorce, immigration & travel, copyright, property & real estate, wills & estate planning.




Ebooks, Audiobooks, Magazines

From eBooks to audiobooks to magazines (including many in different languages), Libby has an amazing collection of classic & recent titles. Take up to 5 items & 5 Holds out at once! Libby also includes The Great Courses, IndieFlix, and Kanopy links (available on the homepage under Extras). Read-alongs are also now available for children!

How to Register
To register, just use your Millburn Library card barcode in the app’s welcome screen. Type “Millburn” when searching for a library, then click “BCCLS — Millburn” for our collections. Note: “eLibrary NJ” will also show up, which is the State Library collection, and is also available to you, however it lacks our Extras & Magazines.
What about the OverDrive app?
If you used to the OverDrive app, Libby is the updated “replacement” for OverDrive as it is slowly phased out. You can still use OverDrive for now if you already have it downloaded and have been using it, but new users should get Libby instead.

Download (App Store)
Download (Google Play Store)
Search Catalog
Niche Tutorial

Mango Languages

Language Learning

Want to learn a completely new language? Or perhaps you need some English-language (ESL) practice? Mango has over 70 language courses to choose from, complete with its own app. Make an account using your Millburn library card, or use guest access in-library, with the link below, then start using the app.

Apple App Store Google Play Store
Start Learning
Niche Tutorial


Stream Online Learning

Listen and learn from the best in this online streaming education platform, in subjects ranging from the Arts to Food, Business to Writing, Sports to Science and so much more. Each class averages 20 lessons, but only about 10 minutes per lesson, to keep things convenient. Watch on your smartphone, computer or smart TV. Millburn Library has five 7-day access passes in rotation, so request yours to start learning today.

Request 7-day Library Access Pass
Apple App Store Google Play Store

Classical Music & Jazz

Stream the best in classical music, from concerts to operas, ballets to jazz performances. Available in the Hoopla app under ‘BingePasses’— one borrow grants seven days’ access to the platform’s live & archival content.




Quick Self-Checkout

With Meescan you can check out Millburn library items, right on your phone, in just a few seconds— no need to wait in line. Download the app, then just open it, register with your library card, and aim the camera at the barcode on the back of your items— and that’s it. E-receipts are emailed to you right after, too.

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

News for You

Simple English News

A great resource for English Language Learners, here you can read (and listen) to news stories in simplified English, get help with vocabulary, and practice language exercises.


New York Times

Digital Access Newspaper

Get access to the national newspaper The New York Times, wherever you are. Millburn cardholders must first request access from the Library to authenticate they are a patron (though if you have the BCCLS app downloaded, you can access it directly from there). Access is also available to anyone in-library, just click on the pop-up prompt on the NY Times website. Note that you can use the mobile app, but first you will need to activate your daily access pass.

Request Access
Access NYTimes




New York Times, Historical

Digital Access Newspaper

Researching a historical event? Use Proquest’s historical archives, which holds the New York Time‘s issues from 1851-1857, 1857-1922, and 1923-[3 years ago].



Tutorials & Training

Need a refresher on using any Millburn Library apps or databases? Take a quick Niche tutorial to learn how to use anything and everything!

NJ Historical Newspapers

Digitized Archives

Researching local NJ history? Many libraries have their town newspapers digitized and available (often in-library only) for use by patrons.

Find Local Newspapers



Find Your Next Favorite Read

Just finished your favorite series and don’t know what to pick up next? Try NoveList, which is the best website for reading recommendations out there.

Find a Book
NoveList K-8


All-in-One Ebooks App

Looking for a bit of convenience? Palace offers most of our our ebook & audiobook offerings in one place. Titles from Libby (both the Millburn & NJ State collections), Axis360, and the Open Bookshelf are all here. Original loan/hold policies still apply to items from their original app.

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

Peterson’s Test Prep

High School & College Prep

Download college checklists for students in grades 9-12. Take practice tests for AP, ACT, SAT, GRE, MCAT, LSAT and more. Use the college search tool, find scholarships, or use the college finance calculator, and read great articles about everything ‘college’. Also included is the Career Prep center and Vocational Test Prep.



Peterson’s Career Prep

Resumes, Job Search, Vocational Skills

Create a resume, search for jobs, or get career advice. The Career Prep Center also has vocational test prep, from accounting to law enforcement, social work to teaching, plumbing, health careers and more.



Princh (Printing)

Print from your own devices

Visit the Princh printing portal from a phone, tablet, or laptop to easily upload your documents, then visit the Print Release Station in front of the Information Desk to collect & pay for your print jobs. Download the app to make things even quicker next time: our printer ID is 109872.

Print Portal
Apple App Store  Google Play Store

Puzzle Palace

Games like Crosswords, Sudoku & more

Get 7 days of unlimited access to all types of games, like sudoku, word games & crossswords. Check it out via the “BingePasses” section in Hoopla.






Reference Solutions

Business Directories

Containing directories for: U.S./Canadian Businesses, New Businesses, U.S./Canadian White Pages, U.S. Healthcare (Physicians & Dentists), and U.S. New Movers/Homeowners. A great tool for finding businesses and consumers for research & marketing purposes. Provided by the NJ State Library.




Kids’ Ebooks & Audiobooks

Just for the kids, Tumblebooks has tons of ebooks for children, including books that are read-aloud and even animated.

Grades K-6




Premier Investment Research

Research the latest stock market trends, download the reports, and get educated on financial topics like portfolios and stock options. Access in-library or at home, using your Millburn Library card barcode number.



Wall Street Journal

Digital Access Newspaper

Read the national business & financial newspaper,The Wall Street Journal, online or on any device. Millburn cardholders must first request access from the Library so we can authenticate your account (though if you have the BCCLS app downloaded, you can access it directly from there).

Request Access
Read Online

Online Reference Sources


Free eBooks Online

Digital Libraries

Open Library has a huge selection of eBooks, and you can check out up to 10 eBooks at once for 2-weeks apiece— best of all, you can preview any book for 1 hour instantly. The Internet Archive has millions of items, from books to old movies & music, images, old software, and even archived webpages via the Wayback Machine, which lets you “time-travel” the Internet. Project Gutenberg has 60k+ eBooks with instant access. Lastly, for more historical, academic materials, check out the World Digital Library, or HathiTrust.

Free Technology Training

Digital Tools

Interested in learning more technology skills, like Python Programming, Microsoft Excel, and more? Want to know where to find free online tools? Check out our Tech Training page for more information, or view our calendar to see if we have any upcoming training events on the Calendar.


Healthy Children

American Academy of Pediatrics – Parenting Portal

Parents & caregivers will benefit from this pediatrician-backed resource, which will help get children of all ages, from infants to young adults, to the best physical, mental & social well-being as possible. Learn about topics from nutrition & fitness to play & sleep, and everything in between. Each age stage is accompanied by a series of articles with checklists, tips, signs of issues, and developmental benchmarks.

AAP Parenting Website


Free Language Courses

Mobile Apps

Beyond the offerings Millburn Library provides (e.g. Mango Languages), language learners can turn to popular courses such as Duolingo and LingoDeer. Both offer entire courses for free, though premium membership is required for some additional content.




Occupational Outlook Handbook

Jobs Information

The Handbook contains entries on hundreds of careers & professions, and provides data on each: median pay, typical entry-level education, number of current jobs, job outlook, duties, how to become one, and much more. A great resources for incoming college students while deciding on a major, or anyone in a career switch.

Research Occupations